Create a Folder Share
$sd = ([WMIClass] "Win32_SecurityDescriptor").CreateInstance() 
$shares.create($FolderPath, $ShareName, 0, 100, "Description", "", $sd)
Return all the domain and forest level FSMO roles.

PS C:\> $FolderPath = 'C:\PSScripts\Share'
>> $ShareName='ScriptFiles$'
>> $Shares=[WMICLASS]'WIN32_Share'
>> $sd = ([WMIClass] "Win32_SecurityDescriptor").CreateInstance()
>> $shares.create($FolderPath, $ShareName, 0, 100, "Description", "", $sd)

__GENUS          : 2
__CLASS          : __PARAMETERS
__RELPATH        :
__DERIVATION     : {}
__SERVER         :
__NAMESPACE      :
__PATH           :
ReturnValue      : 0
PSComputerName   :

Create Folder If It Doesn’t Exist
If (-not(test-path $FolderPath)){
    New-Item -type directory -Path $FolderPath
Check if a folder path exists using the Test-Path and if it doesn’t create the folder using New-Item

PS C:\> $FolderPath = "C:\PSScripts"
>> If (-not(test-path $FolderPath)){
>>     New-Item -type directory -Path $FolderPath
>> }
Create Test Log Files
# Set number of days, in the past, to create log files for
$days = 14
# Set directory to create logs in
$directory = "C:\Test\Logs"

While($i -lt $days){
    # Get Date and create log file
    $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$i)
    $logFile = "u_ex" + ($date.Year).ToString().Substring(2,2) + (($date.Month).ToString().PadLeft(2)).Replace(" ","0") + (($date.Day).ToString().PadLeft(2)).Replace(" ","0") + ".log"
    $logPath = join-path $directory $logFile
    $date | out-file $logPath

    # Set the Creation, Write, and Access time of log file to match date
    Get-Item $logPath | % { $_.CreationTime = $date; $_.LastWriteTime = $date; $_.LastAccessTime = $date }

These commands will create a log file for each day, go back as many days as specified. The file attributes will be set to the past as well. This is great for testing cleanup scripts.

Delete File if it Exists
If (Test-Path $FilePath){
	Remove-Item $FilePath
This snippet uses the Test-Path to ensure the file exists. If it does, it will then delete it using Remove-Item

PS C:\> $FilePath = "C:\temp\temp01.csv"
>> If (Test-Path $FilePath){
>> 	Remove-Item $FilePath
>> }
Delete Files Older Than Specified Number of Days
# Set number of days, in the past, to delete files
$days = 7
# Set directory to create logs in
$directory = "C:\Test\Logs"

# Get all files in the directory include '-recurse' to also get sub folders
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -File
# filter to ones last written to over X number of days
$ToDelete = $files | Where-Object{$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).Date.AddDays(-$days)}
# Delete the files
$ToDelete | Remove-Item -Force
These commands return all the files in a directory and remove the ones older than the specified number of days.

Get All Files and Folders in a Directory
# add '-recurse' to include sub folders
Get-ChildItem -Path $directory
This command will return all the files and folders in a directory. Include ‘-recurse’ parameter to also return sub folders

PS C:\> $directory = "C:\temp"
>> Get-ChildItem -Path $directory

    Directory: C:\temp

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        6/19/2019  12:53 PM                Logs
-a----        6/19/2019  11:45 AM         528685 temp01.csv
-a----        6/19/2019  11:45 AM         528685 temp02.csv

Get All Files in a Directory
# add '-recurse' to include sub folders
Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -File
This command will return all the files in a directory, and does not return the folders. Include ‘-recurse’ parameter to also return sub folders

PS C:\> $directory = "C:\temp"
>> Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -File

    Directory: C:\temp

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        6/19/2019  11:45 AM         528685 temp01.csv
-a----        6/19/2019  11:45 AM         528685 temp02.csv

Get All Files with a Certain Extension
# add '-recurse' to include sub folders
Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Filter "*.CSV"
This command will return all the files in a directory and returns the ones that match the filter criteria. Include ‘-recurse’ parameter to also return sub folders

PS C:\> $directory = "C:\temp"
>> Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Filter "*.CSV"

    Directory: C:\temp

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        6/19/2019  11:45 AM         528685 temp01.csv
-a----        6/19/2019  11:45 AM         528685 temp02.csv

Get All Folders in a Directory
# add '-recurse' to include sub folders
Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Directory
This command will return all the folders in a directory, and does not return the files. Include ‘-recurse’ parameter to also return sub folders

PS C:\> $directory = "C:\temp"
>> Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Directory

    Directory: C:\temp

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        6/19/2019  12:53 PM                Logs

Get File Name and Extension from Path
# Return just the file name

# Returns file name without the extension

# Returns the file extension only
Show examples of how to get the file name and extension information from the full file path

PS C:\> $FilePath = "C:\Scripts\ScriptSearcher.ps1"
>> [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($FilePath)
>> [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FilePath)
>> [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($FilePath)

Get Folder Path of the Current Script
Function Get-ScriptDirectory{
    $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value;
        Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
    elseif($Invocation.InvocationName.LastIndexOf("\") -gt 0){
    else {
        Get-PSDrive | Where-Object{$_.Provider.Name -eq 'FileSystem'} | Foreach-Object {
            Join-Path -Path $_.Root -ChildPath $_.CurrentLocation
Returns the path of the script being executed. If unavailable, it will return the path of the PowerShell console.

PS C:\> Function Get-ScriptDirectory{
>>     $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value;
>>     if($Invocation.PSScriptRoot){
>>         $Invocation.PSScriptRoot;
>>     }
>>     elseif($Invocation.MyCommand.Path){
>>         Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
>>     }
>>     elseif($Invocation.InvocationName.LastIndexOf("\") -gt 0){
>>         $Invocation.InvocationName.Substring(0,$Invocation.InvocationName.LastIndexOf("\"));
>>     }
>>     else {
>>         Get-PSDrive | Where-Object{$_.Provider.Name -eq 'FileSystem'} | Foreach-Object {
>>             Join-Path -Path $_.Root -ChildPath $_.CurrentLocation
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> Get-ScriptDirectory

Get User’s Desktop Path
$ShellFolders = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders'
Check the User Shell Folders registry keys for the path to the user’s desktop. This is better than using environmental variables as they may be using folder redirects.
  |  |  
Grant Permissions to Folder Share
Grant-SmbShareAccess -name $ShareName -AccountName $Account -AccessRight Full -Force
Grants share permissions to a user or group

PS C:\> $ShareName = 'ScriptFiles

>> $Account = 'Domain Admins'
>> Grant-SmbShareAccess -name $ShareName -AccountName $Account -AccessRight Full -Force

Name                    ScopeName               AccountName             AccessControlType       AccessRight
----                    ---------               -----------             -----------------       -----------
ScriptFiles$            *                       DOWST\Domain Admins     Allow                   Full

  |  |  
Revoke All Permissions From Folder Share
Get-SmbShareAccess -name $ShareName | Foreach {Revoke-SmbShareAccess -name $ShareName  -AccountName $_.AccountName -Force}
Gets all the permissions for the share, then revokes them.

PS C:\> $ShareName='ScriptFiles

>> Get-SmbShareAccess -name $ShareName | Foreach {Revoke-SmbShareAccess -name $ShareName  -AccountName $_.AccountName -Force}

Name                    ScopeName               AccountName             AccessControlType       AccessRight
----                    ---------               -----------             -----------------       -----------
ScriptFiles$            *                       NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM     Allow                   Full
ScriptFiles$            *                       *S-1-5-5-0-158796760    Allow                   Read
ScriptFiles$            *                       *S-1-5-5-0-158796760    Allow                   Read
ScriptFiles$            *                       Everyone                Deny                    Full

  |  |  
Zip All Files in Folder
# Get the files to zip
$FilesToZip = Get-ChildItem -Path $FolderPath -File

# Load the assembly to get the zip functionality
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" ) | Out-Null
# Set compression level
$compressionLevel = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal

# Set Zip file pathc based on folder
$ZipPath = Join-Path $FolderPath "$(Split-Path $FolderPath -Leaf).zip"

# initialize the zip file
$Archive = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open( $ZipPath, "Update" )

# add each file to the zip
Foreach($file in $FilesToZip){
    $AddZip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::CreateEntryFromFile($Archive, $file.FullName, $file.Name, $compressionLevel)

# release the zip
Write-Output "The file '$ZipPath' has been created"
Creates a zip file and add every file from the specified directory into it. The zip file is named after the folder and will be placed inside of it.

PS C:\> $FolderPath = "C:\Scripts\Logs"
>> $FilesToZip = Get-ChildItem -Path $FolderPath -File
>> [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" ) | Out-Null
>> $compressionLevel = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal
>> $ZipPath = Join-Path $FolderPath "$(Split-Path $FolderPath -Leaf).zip"
>> $Archive = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open( $ZipPath, "Update" )
>> Foreach($file in $FilesToZip){
>>     $AddZip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::CreateEntryFromFile($Archive, $file.FullName, $file.Name, $compressionLevel)
>> }
>> $Archive.Dispose()
>> Write-Output "The file '$ZipPath' has been created"

The file 'C:\Scripts\Logs\' has been created
  |  |  |