Switch Statement
switch ($value)
    1 {"It is one."}
    2 {"It is two."}
    3 {"It is three."}
    4 {"It is four."}

To check multiple conditions, use a Switch statement. The Switch statement is equivalent to a series of If statements, but it is simpler. The Switch statement lists each condition and an optional action. If a condition obtains, the action is performed.

PS C:\> $value = 3
>> switch ($value)
>> {
>>     1 {"It is one."}
>>     2 {"It is two."}
>>     3 {"It is three."}
>>     4 {"It is four."}
>> }

It is three.
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If/ElseIf/Else Statement
# If $value equals 1 write True 1, else if it equals 2 write True 2, else write False
if($value -eq 1){
    Write-Host "True 1"
} elseif($value -eq 2){
    Write-Host "True 2"
} else {
    Write-Host "False"
You can use the If statement to run code blocks if a specified conditional test evaluates to true. Use ElseIf to evaluate different scenarios
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If/Else Statement
# If $value equals 1 write True, else write False
if($value -eq 1){
    Write-Host "True"
} else {
    Write-Host "False"
You can use the If statement to run code blocks if a specified conditional test evaluates to true.
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